International Relations for UPSC (English)|4th Edition

‎ McGraw Hill
| Author:
Pavneet Singh
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‎ McGraw Hill
Pavneet Singh


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International Relations for Civil Services Examinations is an all-encompassing manual on world politics, foreign policy and international relations that is a must read for all UPSC candidates.
Covering the complete IR syllabus of General Studies (for Prelims and Main exam) and Political Science (optional) syllabus, the book is especially designed for an in-depth analytical understanding of the global world order and has been supplemented with numerous case studies and diagrams to aid the mnemonic reading of aspirants. The book is revised with events ranging from the rise of the modern nation states to the events of the present year. India’s relations with all continents and regions of the world have been thoroughly discussed, along with the changing paradigms of its foreign policy over the decades.
Salient Features:
1) New chapters covering red design of Arab-Israel relations and India, Ukraine crisis, Taliban in Afghanistan, India’s Necklace of Diamonds Strategy, Indo-Pacific, QUAD and AUKUS etc.
2) Thoroughly revised and updated as per the latest happenings around the world
3) Every chapter begins with an overview, analytical survey of questions expected from the same
4) Covers India’s diplomatic relation with its neighbours
5) Keywords highlighted in every chapter for easy retention and revision
6) Plenty of diagrams are used for better clarity


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International Relations for Civil Services Examinations is an all-encompassing manual on world politics, foreign policy and international relations that is a must read for all UPSC candidates.
Covering the complete IR syllabus of General Studies (for Prelims and Main exam) and Political Science (optional) syllabus, the book is especially designed for an in-depth analytical understanding of the global world order and has been supplemented with numerous case studies and diagrams to aid the mnemonic reading of aspirants. The book is revised with events ranging from the rise of the modern nation states to the events of the present year. India’s relations with all continents and regions of the world have been thoroughly discussed, along with the changing paradigms of its foreign policy over the decades.
Salient Features:
1) New chapters covering red design of Arab-Israel relations and India, Ukraine crisis, Taliban in Afghanistan, India’s Necklace of Diamonds Strategy, Indo-Pacific, QUAD and AUKUS etc.
2) Thoroughly revised and updated as per the latest happenings around the world
3) Every chapter begins with an overview, analytical survey of questions expected from the same
4) Covers India’s diplomatic relation with its neighbours
5) Keywords highlighted in every chapter for easy retention and revision
6) Plenty of diagrams are used for better clarity

About Author

Pavneet Singh is an educator for civil services examination at Unacademy and Prepladder. He is also the author of best-selling title on Internal Security published by McGraw Hill Education.


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